
Computer Controls events educate and provide innovative product and services information and promotionComputer Controls events educate and provide innovative product and services information and promotion

Our Various Events Overview to Meet in Person

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In a world of virtual connectivity, there's something truly magical about the power of face-to-face interaction on events such as our beloved CC day, trade shows, conferences, symposia and experts' meetings. 

Here in our events overview you'll find a mix of meetings, symposia and conferences that promise to feed your curiosity and fuel your passion for learning. Come and join us at one of our upcoming events where innovation thrives, partnerships are formed and opportunities are plentiful.

We believe in meet and greet. Because beyond pixels and screens lies an irreplaceable energy - the tingling buzz of ideas bouncing from one mind to another, a shared smile, the spark of inspiration that can only be ignited in the presence of like-minded people. See you there!

Check our Events Coming Up

swiss photonics pic convention

Swissphotonics PIC Convention

Join us at Swissphotonics Convention PIC for a workshop on Photonics Integrated Circuits. Meet our experts and explore innovative solutions.

Operation of Passive Optical Fibre Networks

Advanced Module: Operation of Passive Optical Fibre Networks LWL05

With this training you are qualified to carry out metrological monitoring and maintenance of passive fibre optic networks.

Basics of underground cable laying LWL13
Training Planning Fibre Optic Networks

Advanced module: Planning Fibre Optic Networks LWL04

With this training you will be able to independently create a professional design of fibre access networks (FTTB/H). The acquired knowledge provides a sound basis for managing the planning and implementation of FTTB/H networks.

Extension of fibre optic networks LWL03

Advanced module: Extension of fibre optic networks LWL03

With this training you will be qualified to professionally expand fibre optic networks from the exchange to the house transfer point (network level 3).

Training Basic Module: Fundamentals of Fibre Optic Technology LWL10

Basic Module: Fundamentals of Fibre Optic Technology LWL10

Whit this training you will receive a sound introduction to fibre optic technology and the knowledge acquired will form the basis for professional installations and measurements in fibre optic networks.

Agile Test & Measurement Automation with Python

Agile Test & Measurement Automation with Python

The aim of this training is to give you a good understanding of remote instrument control by writing a Pythonscript that automates simple measurements on any instrument.

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